"What surrounds us either uplifts, inspires and energizes us
or bogs us down, overwhelms us and depletes us."— LeAnn, l&l
"As I see it, the home should be a collected assemblage of treasures meaningful to the homeowner. I believe it is better to have an empty room that an instant room. Forgo the immediate and embrace the lasting. This is the guiding principle for collecting a home."
—Darryl Carter, excerpt: The Collected Home
I've always admired Darryl Carter's design acumen and I very much like the above quote from his new book. As l&l readers know, the idea of leaving the blank wall or plenty of "negative" (unfilled) space in a room is something I am often bringing up because I think it is so important in creating a successful living space.
As I wrote in "The Heart of the Home", I believe a simple but profound question when designing a room is:
Have I left room for living?
—More specifically, have I left room for the expression of the people living in this space or am I more concerned with "filling" or "decorating" it?
We live in a fast-paced, acquisition-driven world and it's easy to get caught up in it all, losing sight of what makes us truly happy.
Fortunately, if we're willing to ask the question, the answer is waiting for us. Mind, body and spirit thrive in serene, uncluttered spaces so it becomes just a matter of tuning in to listen...just a few quiet moments to go to that place of clarity within us.
For me, I drink in the sunbeams across our old wood table, a gentle breeze meandering through an open window and the play of shadows across our unadorned wall...and I am content.
As I wrote in "The Heart of the Home", I believe a simple but profound question when designing a room is:
Have I left room for living?
—More specifically, have I left room for the expression of the people living in this space or am I more concerned with "filling" or "decorating" it?
We live in a fast-paced, acquisition-driven world and it's easy to get caught up in it all, losing sight of what makes us truly happy.
Fortunately, if we're willing to ask the question, the answer is waiting for us. Mind, body and spirit thrive in serene, uncluttered spaces so it becomes just a matter of tuning in to listen...just a few quiet moments to go to that place of clarity within us.
For me, I drink in the sunbeams across our old wood table, a gentle breeze meandering through an open window and the play of shadows across our unadorned wall...and I am content.
a h h h...b r e a t h i n g r o o m.
U.S. release date: October 30, 2012
Click image to pre-order now.
To pre-order now in other countries:
United Kingdom - (release date December 15, 2012)
Germany - (release date October 30, 2012)
Canada - (release date October 30, 2012)
France - (release date November 15, 2012)
Italy - (release date October 30, 2012)
Spain - (release date November 15, 2012)
images 1,2,3,6,7 via Darryl Carter website
images 4 & 5 via The Collected Home by Darryl Carter
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